Most of you were quite pleased with AE-510, liked the variety of topics and our focus more into the future than the present. A number said it made a noticeable difference to their understanding of the profession and their career. I couldn’t be more pleased at that outcome.
What follows are my comments on some topics that recurred in your posts.
More BIM
Seven of the twenty seven of you commented that you’d like more BIM, with a number of those saying that less focus on databases would be desirable to achieve that change. In future versions of this course that may happen once we have the Digital Building concentration in place – that concentration will have a whole course on databases required. Even then, though, I’ll probably retain some discussion of databases because they are such an essential tool in contemporary engineering.
As noted above, a number of you would prefer to have less emphasis on databases, with the reason being that you don’t see them as being relevant to your professional life. Others appreciated the introduction to databases. To the doubters I’d argue that you are going to be interacting with them throughout your career, and that therefore a working understanding of them is worthwhile.
Even the Workload
Several of you would prefer to even the workload in the courses by not having several assignments due in a week while other weeks have little or no work due.
My logic for this current arrangement is that having a week with little due allows you to look ahead and prepare future work. Some liked that. I’ll continue to ponder it.
Staying Aware of Technology
A number of you commented that staying aware of technology, an aspect of life-long learning, was important and that you appreciated the course for that reason. I certainly believe that’s the case and am happy that some of you agree.